Women Horoscope

by ID Mobile SA



The horoscope for her, 100% FREE!

Your daily astrology made by women for women!★ Add your friends and loved ones (male or female)★ Customize them with a photo or image of your choice in your favorites.★ Attach the contents of "My Horoscope" for male friendsGet your horoscope or that of your friends as a daily PUSH Message at a requested time !Detailed astrological predictions available for all of the zodiac signs and their 3 decanates♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ PiscesFeatures:★ Horoscope available for 5 days★ Neat and pleasant design★ Content downloaded only if needed (not on every launch), no internet overload★ Real time updatesYearly horoscope for 2022The yearly horoscope for 2022 is now available!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Very nice and 90 percent acurate

rajesh bhanushali

Yeah I think it is real

Lucky Sethy

Good and very attractive app.

Karma Norlha


Maria Nanao

Fun fun

Naomi Russell

Nice app....I have use it several years now. One thing... what's the deal with needing internet verification. I would change that. Someone might think you want to hack into their personal business.

Meghan Boni

I have internet and it's telling me I don't I recommend you guys to stay far away from this app

Freddy DreamWarriors

Nice app

Rose Emmy

ihavenevertriedthistypeofhoroscope jeannettewilhite

Jeannette Wilhite

The only issue I have ever faced is being able to connect via the internet which was working very well not long ago

Danielle L. Hunter